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23028 item(s)
????????????Louis Vuitto* 爆款压纹花型短袖T恤,定制进口棉面料,亲肤舒适,经典老花压纹工艺,专柜版型,时尚百搭,现货!码数:34 36 38 40
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2024-10-10 10:55
Miu M*u 2024春夏新款绣字母logo短袖T恤,进口棉面料,质感舒适,刺绣品牌工艺,对版拼色设计,合身版型,时尚百搭,现货!码数:36 38 40 42
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2024-10-10 10:55
Hidemi圆领纽扣松弛感亨利领长袖T恤(白色/开心果绿/巧克力色)原厂原面料订单,无主标,洗标替换面料:lwes.4%棉、34.6%聚酯纤维甄选棉混纺面料,有点竹节纱的质感,透气亲肤,柔软舒适,好穿易打理~亨利领设计,三粒扣开合,单穿或者叠穿背心都很不错,一年四季都可以穿的款,三色都好看,轻松实现搭配多样性,松弛又休闲。宽松版型,面料有弹力,上身没有束缚感。码数S M肩宽47 sbed胸围ydbss 112袖长lwes 66衣长63 64ylwwb yydsw这款穿S
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2024-10-12 12:54
24pf早秋新款 美系中古做旧米奇表情包印花脏脏长袖T恤 萌趣可爱米奇表情包 男友风宽松版型 松松垮垮一秒变纸片人 主打松弛慵懒随性的氛围 单穿内搭时髦有趣 日常穿搭宝藏利器 稀有米奇表情图案中古底板 还原岁月沉淀复古做旧自然落色 2色3码????????????????Pybdly
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2024-10-11 12:54
24FW秋冬新款 小众极简row风裁剪廓形亨利领华夫格长袖t 真的很爱这种慵懒舒服好穿的大T恤了和秋冬的适配度太高 裁剪利落简约又高级 宽松直身廓形时髦显瘦尽显松弛感 延承ROW风极简格调 下摆卷边 细节精致感满满 今年这种亨利领真的蛮火的 自己打开扣子穿很显脸小 还多了点慵懒的感觉 出口级别肌理感华夫格面料 舒适垂坠 不论是单穿还是叠穿都能轻松驾驭 2色3码????????????Pybdly
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2024-10-11 14:37
24fp早秋新款 小众美式街头朋克摇滚风破坏感针织麻花标语马甲背心 整件手钩麻花纹织法 纯手工破坏撕裂不规则流苏毛须边 非常复杂重工 每一件单品都是独一无二的存在 撞色针刺趣味个性字母标语 上身时髦感秒变next level 非常百搭大气有腔调 男友风宽松版型 单穿或叠穿T恤都超赞 1色3码????????????????Pezdjs
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2024-10-12 12:32
称它为“婴儿肌”的长袖T恤真的是一点都不夸张,嘎嘎细腻,嘎嘎舒服[色][色][色]\r小众设计师 I0 adess0 futura的纯尾,客供的新型科技中空绒,\r料子无敌舒适,莫代尔和醋酸混纺,表面绒绒的,\r手感又软糯又Q弹,还带垂感,贴身穿柔若无物!
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2024-10-8 16:16
这件基础T全部是明线工艺 ;不是普通的基础长T内里一合缝就完事了 整个工费是普通t恤的三倍 !!
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2024-10-9 10:16
超多博主都在推荐~ 万能百搭拉夫海魂衫圆领条纹长袖T恤。
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2024-10-14 15:07
yldwlyedsj,B*un*llo C*cin*lli|2024秋冬新款短袖百搭T恤来自意大利的世界顶级奢侈品牌,被誉为低调奢华的 \
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2024-10-8 12:07
B*un*llo C*cin*lli|2024秋冬新款短袖百搭T恤来自意大利的世界顶级奢侈品牌,被誉为低调奢华的 \
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2024-10-8 12:07
0 Sold
2024-10-9 11:36
0 Sold
2024-10-9 11:38
0 Sold
2024-10-9 11:39
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2024-10-9 11:41
valentin*2024FW秋冬新款 logo图案印花短袖T恤丨⚠独家高版出品!经典的小圆领设计简洁好穿 走在街上吸睛度满分!青春又活力的感觉????宽松版型完全不挑身材!包容性好遮肉显瘦!颜值与舒适兼具!穿出街回头率百分百????定制面料 质感超级舒适!四季款的单品 都给我闭眼冲!现货发售码数 S/M/L
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2024-10-12 14:24
Mium*u 24Fw早秋新款 刺绣徽标装饰长袖简约T恤丨⚠独家yb开发!高版出品!弥漫简约闲适风格,糅合复古摩登氛围????以别样的细节设计重释基础款式,高阶平纹棉质用料,针织质感细腻????罗纹圆领精密饰边,正面饰以标志性刺绣徽标点缀单色简约衣身????平添特立独行态度????长袖规则感方正版型,线条塑造百搭风格。现货发售S/M/L
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2024-10-14 13:21
????????????rick owens 2024秋冬暗黑裁片拼接宽松圆领宽松针织长袖T恤衫 白色 黑色 码数SMLXL Pyjdle
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2024-10-10 12:55
Pyqdwj????Celin* 24新款 植双色绒印花T恤短袖 面料采用wdeys双股长绒棉平纹布,无尘蚀毛工艺处理做光柔棉手感 ,配套yldwlg、32s单股纱精梳棉1*1领子罗纹,前幅采用手工台板丝网植绒印花,底层打防升华液后刮植绒浆料,绒毛采用0.2mm高度黏胶材质的天鹅绒,双色绒毛混合,网箱盖底静电植绒工艺,整款衣服领子袖口全部采用手工平车包捆做法,罗纹接口简洁美观。SI????????????:S M L
0 Sold
2024-10-14 00:32
Pyqdwj????Celin* 24新款 植双色绒印花T恤短袖 面料采用wdeys双股长绒棉平纹布,无尘蚀毛工艺处理做光柔棉手感 ,配套yldwlg、32s单股纱精梳棉1*1领子罗纹,前幅采用手工台板丝网植绒印花,底层打防升华液后刮植绒浆料,绒毛采用0.2mm高度黏胶材质的天鹅绒,双色绒毛混合,网箱盖底静电植绒工艺,整款衣服领子袖口全部采用手工平车包捆做法,罗纹接口简洁美观。SI????????????:S M L
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2024-10-14 00:33
Pzedqe???? Balenciag*巴黎 24火焰双环磨烂长袖T恤 面料采用15S复古精棉平纹zedqeG。龟裂纹印花工艺是一种印花技术,通过龟裂纹浆料和打底透明浆料结合使用,在服装面料上可以制作出龟裂纹花型。这种工艺可以通过印打底透明浆、印龟裂浆、自然干爆裂、起布、压烫过热等步骤来实现。成衣通过石磨的方式对面料进行染色加工,浸入染料中翻滚。炒砂后面料轻微泛白,改变原面料颜色呈现出深浅一明暗不同的怀旧色彩。SI????????????:1 2 3 4
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2024-10-14 16:43
???????????????? · ????????????4/爆款现货原单品质 Miumi*|24FW早秋新款 钉珠亮片花朵装饰长袖T恤丨财阀千金即视感,钉珠亮片设计增添精致感! 钉珠亮片✨✨blingbling超美减龄又小贵气的一款 配色很简约干净 显气质! ????????????????????????:白色|黑色????????????????:S M L
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2024-10-10 08:17
???????????????? · ????????????4/爆款现货原单品质 Miumi*|24FW早秋新款 钉珠亮片花朵装饰长袖T恤丨财阀千金即视感,钉珠亮片设计增添精致感! 钉珠亮片✨✨blingbling超美减龄又小贵气的一款 配色很简约干净 显气质! ????????????????????????:白色|黑色????????????????:S M L
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2024-10-10 08:18
???????????????? · ????????????4/爆款现货原单品质 Dio*| 24FW早秋新款 蝴蝶花朵刺绣圆领长袖T恤丨纯手工串珠➕亮片刺绣工艺!精选棉质面料,100%棉,上身舒适柔软!经典的小圆领设计简洁好穿 走在街上吸睛度满分!随意搭配就很nice! ????????????????????????:白色|黑色????????????????:S M L
0 Sold
2024-10-10 08:19
???????????????? · ????????????4/爆款现货原单品质 Dio*| 24FW早秋新款 蝴蝶花朵刺绣圆领长袖T恤丨纯手工串珠➕亮片刺绣工艺!精选棉质面料,100%棉,上身舒适柔软!经典的小圆领设计简洁好穿 走在街上吸睛度满分!随意搭配就很nice! ????????????????????????:白色|黑色????????????????:S M L
0 Sold
2024-10-10 08:20
???????????????? · ????????????4/爆款现货原单品质 Dio*|最新系列款植绒T恤定制????????????全棉材质 肌理细腻 贴肤柔软精致裁剪 个性时髦 彰显纯欲调性 重工手工制作 时髦洋气 单穿内搭都很合适 四季都可定制面辅料 认准版本????????????????????????:白蓝|白黑????????????????:S M L
0 Sold
2024-10-10 13:30
???????????????? · ????????????4/爆款现货原单品质 Dio*|最新系列款植绒T恤定制????????????全棉材质 肌理细腻 贴肤柔软精致裁剪 个性时髦 彰显纯欲调性 重工手工制作 时髦洋气 单穿内搭都很合适 四季都可定制面辅料 认准版本????????????????????????:白蓝|白黑????????????????:S M L
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2024-10-10 13:31
BGA136ywdws-女款埃及长绒棉肩部贝壳扣落肩微廓圆领长袖T恤关于款式及设计:你可以永远相信The Row的基础T恤,不管长袖还是短袖,不论合身还是廓形,都是经典且不易被淘汰的刚需品,不用太刻意,就足够极简且松弛。Oversize男友风的一组长袖T恤,属于糙汉T的类型,就是那种不用精心搭配就能舒适出街,很纯粹的净色,细节设计区别于常规款,经典小圆领,慵懒落肩设计,在肩部的一侧做了独特的开扣设计,并用珠宝级光泽感的天然贝母扣作为点缀,硬生生把一件基础类型的Tee打造出高阶时髦感。保留了Row特有的后背T型结构剪裁,背部的法式缝接设计,让穿着者背部看起来挺直纤薄,正肩T恤,日常高级,又松弛有度,上身有一种挺拔感,一个logo都没有,但就是很高级,这是一款不受某种特定风格约束的T恤,极具松弛感的同时,又足够有质感,主打看起来既有品又有钱。关于面料及工艺:62.3%埃及棉29.6%涤纶8.1%氨纶,日本进口的面料,使用了富含油脂独特爽滑质感的埃及棉,和氨纶密度织造的汗布面料,埃及棉又称埃及长绒棉,其在世界上久负盛名,因纤维柔长,被世人誉为“棉中极品”,埃及棉的纤维长度比匹马棉要长一些,埃及棉的纤维长度可以达到wdeymm,色泽鲜亮柔滑,具有柔软顺滑的手感和高级的光泽感,布面紧致有质感。日本特殊染整工艺,吸湿排汗,面料接触有冷温感,布面细腻有质感,恰到好处的光泽度,垂感和筋骨感并存。布料通过洗水后,采用立体裁床裁片,2人一组分工立体裁,再区分好每片裁片的拼接部位,长袖工艺通肩压条加固,防止肩部变形,肩部双车六线加固,这是大牌才会使用的工艺,下摆走线工整。领口是德国双板针工艺,后领增加本布压条,美观不易变形。
0 Sold
2024-10-8 12:24
BGA136ywdws-女款埃及长绒棉肩部贝壳扣落肩微廓圆领长袖T恤关于款式及设计:你可以永远相信The Row的基础T恤,不管长袖还是短袖,不论合身还是廓形,都是经典且不易被淘汰的刚需品,不用太刻意,就足够极简且松弛。Oversize男友风的一组长袖T恤,属于糙汉T的类型,就是那种不用精心搭配就能舒适出街,很纯粹的净色,细节设计区别于常规款,经典小圆领,慵懒落肩设计,在肩部的一侧做了独特的开扣设计,并用珠宝级光泽感的天然贝母扣作为点缀,硬生生把一件基础类型的Tee打造出高阶时髦感。保留了Row特有的后背T型结构剪裁,背部的法式缝接设计,让穿着者背部看起来挺直纤薄,正肩T恤,日常高级,又松弛有度,上身有一种挺拔感,一个logo都没有,但就是很高级,这是一款不受某种特定风格约束的T恤,极具松弛感的同时,又足够有质感,主打看起来既有品又有钱。关于面料及工艺:62.3%埃及棉29.6%涤纶8.1%氨纶,日本进口的面料,使用了富含油脂独特爽滑质感的埃及棉,和氨纶密度织造的汗布面料,埃及棉又称埃及长绒棉,其在世界上久负盛名,因纤维柔长,被世人誉为“棉中极品”,埃及棉的纤维长度比匹马棉要长一些,埃及棉的纤维长度可以达到wdeymm,色泽鲜亮柔滑,具有柔软顺滑的手感和高级的光泽感,布面紧致有质感。日本特殊染整工艺,吸湿排汗,面料接触有冷温感,布面细腻有质感,恰到好处的光泽度,垂感和筋骨感并存。布料通过洗水后,采用立体裁床裁片,2人一组分工立体裁,再区分好每片裁片的拼接部位,长袖工艺通肩压条加固,防止肩部变形,肩部双车六线加固,这是大牌才会使用的工艺,下摆走线工整。领口是德国双板针工艺,后领增加本布压条,美观不易变形。
0 Sold
2024-10-8 12:24
BGA136ywdws-女款埃及长绒棉肩部贝壳扣落肩微廓圆领长袖T恤关于款式及设计:你可以永远相信The Row的基础T恤,不管长袖还是短袖,不论合身还是廓形,都是经典且不易被淘汰的刚需品,不用太刻意,就足够极简且松弛。Oversize男友风的一组长袖T恤,属于糙汉T的类型,就是那种不用精心搭配就能舒适出街,很纯粹的净色,细节设计区别于常规款,经典小圆领,慵懒落肩设计,在肩部的一侧做了独特的开扣设计,并用珠宝级光泽感的天然贝母扣作为点缀,硬生生把一件基础类型的Tee打造出高阶时髦感。保留了Row特有的后背T型结构剪裁,背部的法式缝接设计,让穿着者背部看起来挺直纤薄,正肩T恤,日常高级,又松弛有度,上身有一种挺拔感,一个logo都没有,但就是很高级,这是一款不受某种特定风格约束的T恤,极具松弛感的同时,又足够有质感,主打看起来既有品又有钱。关于面料及工艺:62.3%埃及棉29.6%涤纶8.1%氨纶,日本进口的面料,使用了富含油脂独特爽滑质感的埃及棉,和氨纶密度织造的汗布面料,埃及棉又称埃及长绒棉,其在世界上久负盛名,因纤维柔长,被世人誉为“棉中极品”,埃及棉的纤维长度比匹马棉要长一些,埃及棉的纤维长度可以达到wdeymm,色泽鲜亮柔滑,具有柔软顺滑的手感和高级的光泽感,布面紧致有质感。日本特殊染整工艺,吸湿排汗,面料接触有冷温感,布面细腻有质感,恰到好处的光泽度,垂感和筋骨感并存。布料通过洗水后,采用立体裁床裁片,2人一组分工立体裁,再区分好每片裁片的拼接部位,长袖工艺通肩压条加固,防止肩部变形,肩部双车六线加固,这是大牌才会使用的工艺,下摆走线工整。领口是德国双板针工艺,后领增加本布压条,美观不易变形。
0 Sold
2024-10-8 12:24
BGA136ywdws-女款埃及长绒棉肩部贝壳扣落肩微廓圆领长袖T恤关于款式及设计:你可以永远相信The Row的基础T恤,不管长袖还是短袖,不论合身还是廓形,都是经典且不易被淘汰的刚需品,不用太刻意,就足够极简且松弛。Oversize男友风的一组长袖T恤,属于糙汉T的类型,就是那种不用精心搭配就能舒适出街,很纯粹的净色,细节设计区别于常规款,经典小圆领,慵懒落肩设计,在肩部的一侧做了独特的开扣设计,并用珠宝级光泽感的天然贝母扣作为点缀,硬生生把一件基础类型的Tee打造出高阶时髦感。保留了Row特有的后背T型结构剪裁,背部的法式缝接设计,让穿着者背部看起来挺直纤薄,正肩T恤,日常高级,又松弛有度,上身有一种挺拔感,一个logo都没有,但就是很高级,这是一款不受某种特定风格约束的T恤,极具松弛感的同时,又足够有质感,主打看起来既有品又有钱。关于面料及工艺:62.3%埃及棉29.6%涤纶8.1%氨纶,日本进口的面料,使用了富含油脂独特爽滑质感的埃及棉,和氨纶密度织造的汗布面料,埃及棉又称埃及长绒棉,其在世界上久负盛名,因纤维柔长,被世人誉为“棉中极品”,埃及棉的纤维长度比匹马棉要长一些,埃及棉的纤维长度可以达到wdeymm,色泽鲜亮柔滑,具有柔软顺滑的手感和高级的光泽感,布面紧致有质感。日本特殊染整工艺,吸湿排汗,面料接触有冷温感,布面细腻有质感,恰到好处的光泽度,垂感和筋骨感并存。布料通过洗水后,采用立体裁床裁片,2人一组分工立体裁,再区分好每片裁片的拼接部位,长袖工艺通肩压条加固,防止肩部变形,肩部双车六线加固,这是大牌才会使用的工艺,下摆走线工整。领口是德国双板针工艺,后领增加本布压条,美观不易变形。
0 Sold
2024-10-8 12:24
BGA13lzdyls0-女款黑科技珍珠纤维16针工艺超细绵羊毛假两件叠穿空气打底衫(长袖版)关于款式及设计:The Row风的假两件空气衫,在基础打底之上,还原真两件叠穿的层次效果,很巧妙地构建了假两件式的堆叠拼接,告别繁琐叠穿,一件即可达成高阶衣品,既时髦又松弛。假两件长袖版,有着很逼真的长袖T恤套叠长袖打底的即视感,属于很有松弛感的叠穿示范。领部双层结构,达成了撞色的层次感,内层高贴合的领口 外层活页式的领口,双层领均采用圆筒包工艺,内外领高的落差经过反复调整,以达到层次分明,并且里外叠加的恰到好处,很心机的后倒肩设计,不动声色地隐匿肉感肩背,显肩平直且显背纤薄。双层袖口设计,内层袖长加长,在袖口形成了微微堆叠的效果,袖口及下摆在内外层底边采用白色细卷边 圆筒包结构,袖口和下摆两侧做手工牵线并内折固定,上身后呈现微堆效果,模拟两件叠穿自然层次,比市面常规假两件更耗时费力,工艺感更强。下摆微堆,穿着时不用刻意,造型感自成。关于面料及工艺:33%超细绵羊毛47%抗起球腈纶20%抗菌珍珠纤维(带PEARLTEX抗菌珍珠纤维纱线吊牌),纱线也是脱颖点,除了超细的绵羊毛,还加入了新型黑科技PEARLTEX抗菌珍珠纤维,这类新型纤维具有富含氨基酸,释放远红外,抗菌除臭,防紫外线的四大功效。富含氨基酸并且抗菌除臭,就可以更好的亲肤养肤,而释放远红外并且防紫外线,那么除了日常搭配,还能兼顾空调衫和防晒服的功用。针织采用精贵的16针工艺,经德国进口的Stoll机立体高密的织法织造,成衣既拥有挺廓骨感的外观,又做到极致的轻薄透气和舒适亲肤,如同第二层肌肤般细腻贴合。成衣骨感有型,富有弹性及回弹性佳,垂感高级,0压体感,轻松通穿多季,独家定纺环保染色,色光纯正柔和。尺码:36,38,40
0 Sold
2024-10-8 12:24
BGA13lzdyls0-女款黑科技珍珠纤维16针工艺超细绵羊毛假两件叠穿空气打底衫(长袖版)关于款式及设计:The Row风的假两件空气衫,在基础打底之上,还原真两件叠穿的层次效果,很巧妙地构建了假两件式的堆叠拼接,告别繁琐叠穿,一件即可达成高阶衣品,既时髦又松弛。假两件长袖版,有着很逼真的长袖T恤套叠长袖打底的即视感,属于很有松弛感的叠穿示范。领部双层结构,达成了撞色的层次感,内层高贴合的领口 外层活页式的领口,双层领均采用圆筒包工艺,内外领高的落差经过反复调整,以达到层次分明,并且里外叠加的恰到好处,很心机的后倒肩设计,不动声色地隐匿肉感肩背,显肩平直且显背纤薄。双层袖口设计,内层袖长加长,在袖口形成了微微堆叠的效果,袖口及下摆在内外层底边采用白色细卷边 圆筒包结构,袖口和下摆两侧做手工牵线并内折固定,上身后呈现微堆效果,模拟两件叠穿自然层次,比市面常规假两件更耗时费力,工艺感更强。下摆微堆,穿着时不用刻意,造型感自成。关于面料及工艺:33%超细绵羊毛47%抗起球腈纶20%抗菌珍珠纤维(带PEARLTEX抗菌珍珠纤维纱线吊牌),纱线也是脱颖点,除了超细的绵羊毛,还加入了新型黑科技PEARLTEX抗菌珍珠纤维,这类新型纤维具有富含氨基酸,释放远红外,抗菌除臭,防紫外线的四大功效。富含氨基酸并且抗菌除臭,就可以更好的亲肤养肤,而释放远红外并且防紫外线,那么除了日常搭配,还能兼顾空调衫和防晒服的功用。针织采用精贵的16针工艺,经德国进口的Stoll机立体高密的织法织造,成衣既拥有挺廓骨感的外观,又做到极致的轻薄透气和舒适亲肤,如同第二层肌肤般细腻贴合。成衣骨感有型,富有弹性及回弹性佳,垂感高级,0压体感,轻松通穿多季,独家定纺环保染色,色光纯正柔和。尺码:36,38,40
0 Sold
2024-10-8 12:24
BGA13lzdyls0-女款黑科技珍珠纤维16针工艺超细绵羊毛假两件叠穿空气打底衫(短袖版)关于款式及设计:The Row风的假两件空气衫,在基础打底之上,还原真两件叠穿的层次效果,很巧妙地构建了假两件式的堆叠拼接,告别繁琐叠穿,一件即可达成高阶衣品,既时髦又松弛。假两件短袖版,有着很逼真的短袖T恤套叠长袖打底的即视感,属于很有松弛感的叠穿示范。领部双层结构,达成了撞色的层次感,内层高贴合的领口 外层活页式的领口,双层领均采用圆筒包工艺,内外领高的落差经过反复调整,以达到层次分明,并且里外叠加的恰到好处,很心机的后倒肩设计,不动声色地隐匿肉感肩背,显肩平直且显背纤薄。短袖与长袖在肩膀做了重合,袖筒部分设计货真价实的双层结构,内层袖长加长,在袖口形成了微微堆叠的效果,外层短袖适度宽松,正好能遮盖拜拜肉,弱化手臂的维度。下摆内外层底边采用白色细卷边 圆筒包结构,下摆两侧做手工牵线并内折固定,上身后呈现微堆效果,模拟两件叠穿自然层次,比市面常规假两件更耗时费力,工艺感更强。下摆微堆,穿着时不用刻意,造型感自成。关于面料及工艺:33%超细绵羊毛47%抗起球腈纶20%抗菌珍珠纤维(带PEARLTEX抗菌珍珠纤维纱线吊牌),纱线也是脱颖点,除了超细的绵羊毛,还加入了新型黑科技PEARLTEX抗菌珍珠纤维,这类新型纤维具有富含氨基酸,释放远红外,抗菌除臭,防紫外线的四大功效。富含氨基酸并且抗菌除臭,就可以更好的亲肤养肤,而释放远红外并且防紫外线,那么除了日常搭配,还能兼顾空调衫和防晒服的功用。针织采用精贵的16针工艺,经德国进口的Stoll机立体高密的织法织造,成衣既拥有挺廓骨感的外观,又做到极致的轻薄透气和舒适亲肤,如同第二层肌肤般细腻贴合。成衣骨感有型,富有弹性及回弹性佳,垂感高级,0压体感,轻松通穿多季,独家定纺环保染色,色光纯正柔和。尺码:36,38,40
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2024-10-8 12:24
BGA13lzdyls0-女款黑科技珍珠纤维16针工艺超细绵羊毛假两件叠穿空气打底衫(短袖版)关于款式及设计:The Row风的假两件空气衫,在基础打底之上,还原真两件叠穿的层次效果,很巧妙地构建了假两件式的堆叠拼接,告别繁琐叠穿,一件即可达成高阶衣品,既时髦又松弛。假两件短袖版,有着很逼真的短袖T恤套叠长袖打底的即视感,属于很有松弛感的叠穿示范。领部双层结构,达成了撞色的层次感,内层高贴合的领口 外层活页式的领口,双层领均采用圆筒包工艺,内外领高的落差经过反复调整,以达到层次分明,并且里外叠加的恰到好处,很心机的后倒肩设计,不动声色地隐匿肉感肩背,显肩平直且显背纤薄。短袖与长袖在肩膀做了重合,袖筒部分设计货真价实的双层结构,内层袖长加长,在袖口形成了微微堆叠的效果,外层短袖适度宽松,正好能遮盖拜拜肉,弱化手臂的维度。下摆内外层底边采用白色细卷边 圆筒包结构,下摆两侧做手工牵线并内折固定,上身后呈现微堆效果,模拟两件叠穿自然层次,比市面常规假两件更耗时费力,工艺感更强。下摆微堆,穿着时不用刻意,造型感自成。关于面料及工艺:33%超细绵羊毛47%抗起球腈纶20%抗菌珍珠纤维(带PEARLTEX抗菌珍珠纤维纱线吊牌),纱线也是脱颖点,除了超细的绵羊毛,还加入了新型黑科技PEARLTEX抗菌珍珠纤维,这类新型纤维具有富含氨基酸,释放远红外,抗菌除臭,防紫外线的四大功效。富含氨基酸并且抗菌除臭,就可以更好的亲肤养肤,而释放远红外并且防紫外线,那么除了日常搭配,还能兼顾空调衫和防晒服的功用。针织采用精贵的16针工艺,经德国进口的Stoll机立体高密的织法织造,成衣既拥有挺廓骨感的外观,又做到极致的轻薄透气和舒适亲肤,如同第二层肌肤般细腻贴合。成衣骨感有型,富有弹性及回弹性佳,垂感高级,0压体感,轻松通穿多季,独家定纺环保染色,色光纯正柔和。尺码:36,38,40
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2024-10-8 12:25
BGA136yedsj-女款天丝羊毛立体中轴线合身微廓短打造型空气感面膜T/长袖T恤关于款式及设计:The Row的魅力,永远在于可以把一件经典单品做到精致慵懒,不用刻意硬拗,松弛感就信手拈来,它更像是一种小圈子里心照不宣的时髦,不动声色,但恰到好处。Clean Fit风的长袖T恤,适度量感的微廓版型,不松垮亦不包身,有种量体裁衣的体面,精致的窄边小圆领,罗纹空转边的结构,立体有型,舒适耐穿,圆领的围度恰到好处,微露脖颈,并且也适合任意叠穿。大身做了立体剪裁,肩部高密的双道立体走线,可以极好的勾勒出直角肩型。侧身线做了立体前移设计,在视觉上显人纤薄,并且线条流畅的勾勒出腰身,长度正好的短打造型,可以不动声色地重塑瘦高比例。后中轴保留了The Row一贯地立体中缝细节。万能属性的打底T恤,可以匹配秋冬衣橱的内搭需求,质地柔软有骨,风格松弛有度,既高级又简约的设计,还原了实穿百搭的衣橱内核,两色叠穿更有The Row的穿搭精髓。关于面料及工艺:qwel%天丝20%羊毛5%氨纶,莱赛尔天丝有⾮常垂顺的质感和爽滑的⼿感,做出的成⾐紧实、细密、垂顺,质感⾮常好。美丽诺⽺⽑是⼀种超细的⽺⽑,这种⽺⽑纺织出来的纱线⾮常柔软,还很轻盈,拥有⾮常好的质感,还拥有非常好的体感。天丝莱赛尔 美丽诺超细羊毛 氨纶纤维,三者取长补短,混纺制成的面料产品具有极好的稳定性和色牢度,并且拥有优异的透气排湿性,不易变形,不易褪色,极易打理。尺码:S,M,L
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2024-10-9 11:20
BGA136yedsj-女款天丝羊毛立体中轴线合身微廓短打造型空气感面膜T/长袖T恤关于款式及设计:The Row的魅力,永远在于可以把一件经典单品做到精致慵懒,不用刻意硬拗,松弛感就信手拈来,它更像是一种小圈子里心照不宣的时髦,不动声色,但恰到好处。Clean Fit风的长袖T恤,适度量感的微廓版型,不松垮亦不包身,有种量体裁衣的体面,精致的窄边小圆领,罗纹空转边的结构,立体有型,舒适耐穿,圆领的围度恰到好处,微露脖颈,并且也适合任意叠穿。大身做了立体剪裁,肩部高密的双道立体走线,可以极好的勾勒出直角肩型。侧身线做了立体前移设计,在视觉上显人纤薄,并且线条流畅的勾勒出腰身,长度正好的短打造型,可以不动声色地重塑瘦高比例。后中轴保留了The Row一贯地立体中缝细节。万能属性的打底T恤,可以匹配秋冬衣橱的内搭需求,质地柔软有骨,风格松弛有度,既高级又简约的设计,还原了实穿百搭的衣橱内核,两色叠穿更有The Row的穿搭精髓。关于面料及工艺:qwel%天丝20%羊毛5%氨纶,莱赛尔天丝有⾮常垂顺的质感和爽滑的⼿感,做出的成⾐紧实、细密、垂顺,质感⾮常好。美丽诺⽺⽑是⼀种超细的⽺⽑,这种⽺⽑纺织出来的纱线⾮常柔软,还很轻盈,拥有⾮常好的质感,还拥有非常好的体感。天丝莱赛尔 美丽诺超细羊毛 氨纶纤维,三者取长补短,混纺制成的面料产品具有极好的稳定性和色牢度,并且拥有优异的透气排湿性,不易变形,不易褪色,极易打理。尺码:S,M,L
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2024-10-9 11:20
BGA136yedsj-女款天丝羊毛立体中轴线合身微廓短打造型空气感面膜T/长袖T恤关于款式及设计:The Row的魅力,永远在于可以把一件经典单品做到精致慵懒,不用刻意硬拗,松弛感就信手拈来,它更像是一种小圈子里心照不宣的时髦,不动声色,但恰到好处。Clean Fit风的长袖T恤,适度量感的微廓版型,不松垮亦不包身,有种量体裁衣的体面,精致的窄边小圆领,罗纹空转边的结构,立体有型,舒适耐穿,圆领的围度恰到好处,微露脖颈,并且也适合任意叠穿。大身做了立体剪裁,肩部高密的双道立体走线,可以极好的勾勒出直角肩型。侧身线做了立体前移设计,在视觉上显人纤薄,并且线条流畅的勾勒出腰身,长度正好的短打造型,可以不动声色地重塑瘦高比例。后中轴保留了The Row一贯地立体中缝细节。万能属性的打底T恤,可以匹配秋冬衣橱的内搭需求,质地柔软有骨,风格松弛有度,既高级又简约的设计,还原了实穿百搭的衣橱内核,两色叠穿更有The Row的穿搭精髓。关于面料及工艺:qwel%天丝20%羊毛5%氨纶,莱赛尔天丝有⾮常垂顺的质感和爽滑的⼿感,做出的成⾐紧实、细密、垂顺,质感⾮常好。美丽诺⽺⽑是⼀种超细的⽺⽑,这种⽺⽑纺织出来的纱线⾮常柔软,还很轻盈,拥有⾮常好的质感,还拥有非常好的体感。天丝莱赛尔 美丽诺超细羊毛 氨纶纤维,三者取长补短,混纺制成的面料产品具有极好的稳定性和色牢度,并且拥有优异的透气排湿性,不易变形,不易褪色,极易打理。尺码:S,M,L
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2024-10-9 11:20
BGA136yedsj-女款天丝羊毛立体中轴线合身微廓短打造型空气感面膜T/长袖T恤关于款式及设计:The Row的魅力,永远在于可以把一件经典单品做到精致慵懒,不用刻意硬拗,松弛感就信手拈来,它更像是一种小圈子里心照不宣的时髦,不动声色,但恰到好处。Clean Fit风的长袖T恤,适度量感的微廓版型,不松垮亦不包身,有种量体裁衣的体面,精致的窄边小圆领,罗纹空转边的结构,立体有型,舒适耐穿,圆领的围度恰到好处,微露脖颈,并且也适合任意叠穿。大身做了立体剪裁,肩部高密的双道立体走线,可以极好的勾勒出直角肩型。侧身线做了立体前移设计,在视觉上显人纤薄,并且线条流畅的勾勒出腰身,长度正好的短打造型,可以不动声色地重塑瘦高比例。后中轴保留了The Row一贯地立体中缝细节。万能属性的打底T恤,可以匹配秋冬衣橱的内搭需求,质地柔软有骨,风格松弛有度,既高级又简约的设计,还原了实穿百搭的衣橱内核,两色叠穿更有The Row的穿搭精髓。关于面料及工艺:qwel%天丝20%羊毛5%氨纶,莱赛尔天丝有⾮常垂顺的质感和爽滑的⼿感,做出的成⾐紧实、细密、垂顺,质感⾮常好。美丽诺⽺⽑是⼀种超细的⽺⽑,这种⽺⽑纺织出来的纱线⾮常柔软,还很轻盈,拥有⾮常好的质感,还拥有非常好的体感。天丝莱赛尔 美丽诺超细羊毛 氨纶纤维,三者取长补短,混纺制成的面料产品具有极好的稳定性和色牢度,并且拥有优异的透气排湿性,不易变形,不易褪色,极易打理。尺码:S,M,L
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2024-10-9 11:20
BGA136yedsj-女款进口强捻棉纱超薄0压感轻盈微透视一片式剪裁打底衫关于款式及设计:很Rick Owens标签的一组打底衫,时装感的45度斜裁,很独特的一片式剪裁,大身的左右侧身无接缝,仅在后中轴作了立体骨位线,自带立体的骨架和线条,虽然微宽松,上身后能线条流畅的贴合人体曲线,再加上面料强捻带来的若隐若现的微透感,整一个就是很慵懒的纸片人效果。细节上也很RO风格,领部是四层叠加的毛边效果,开放式的领圈,微微卷边,很肆意随性的慵懒,袖口及衣摆作了偏修长的设计,并且跟领口呼应,做了未收边的工艺,方便多色自由叠穿,袖口及下摆可微微堆量,不动声色地增加时髦度。经典的黑白色调,极简的款型,独特的细节,区别于衣橱里的其他打底T恤,是一组超薄0压感,轻盈微透视,会呼吸,有风格的纸片人打底衫。关于面料及工艺:100%棉,日本进口纱线,优质长绒棉,bdeb支单全棉撵纱织造,柔软透薄,是高弹性的一款罗纹组织面,在日本技术工艺下创造出柔糯质感,细腻手感加上现在流行的微透视感是这组面料的最大特点,市面罕见,手感干爽,垂坠飘逸,穿着舒适,优异的纤维特性和纺纱织造工艺决定品质感,有着云朵般的轻盈触觉,透光的高级感拿捏到位,可多色自由叠穿,打造丰富视觉层次感。尺码:S,M,L
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2024-10-9 11:20
BGA136yedsj-女款进口强捻棉纱超薄0压感轻盈微透视一片式剪裁打底衫关于款式及设计:很Rick Owens标签的一组打底衫,时装感的45度斜裁,很独特的一片式剪裁,大身的左右侧身无接缝,仅在后中轴作了立体骨位线,自带立体的骨架和线条,虽然微宽松,上身后能线条流畅的贴合人体曲线,再加上面料强捻带来的若隐若现的微透感,整一个就是很慵懒的纸片人效果。细节上也很RO风格,领部是四层叠加的毛边效果,开放式的领圈,微微卷边,很肆意随性的慵懒,袖口及衣摆作了偏修长的设计,并且跟领口呼应,做了未收边的工艺,方便多色自由叠穿,袖口及下摆可微微堆量,不动声色地增加时髦度。经典的黑白色调,极简的款型,独特的细节,区别于衣橱里的其他打底T恤,是一组超薄0压感,轻盈微透视,会呼吸,有风格的纸片人打底衫。关于面料及工艺:100%棉,日本进口纱线,优质长绒棉,bdeb支单全棉撵纱织造,柔软透薄,是高弹性的一款罗纹组织面,在日本技术工艺下创造出柔糯质感,细腻手感加上现在流行的微透视感是这组面料的最大特点,市面罕见,手感干爽,垂坠飘逸,穿着舒适,优异的纤维特性和纺纱织造工艺决定品质感,有着云朵般的轻盈触觉,透光的高级感拿捏到位,可多色自由叠穿,打造丰富视觉层次感。尺码:S,M,L
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2024-10-9 11:20
BGA136yedsj-女款进口强捻棉纱超薄0压感轻盈微透视一片式剪裁打底衫关于款式及设计:很Rick Owens标签的一组打底衫,时装感的45度斜裁,很独特的一片式剪裁,大身的左右侧身无接缝,仅在后中轴作了立体骨位线,自带立体的骨架和线条,虽然微宽松,上身后能线条流畅的贴合人体曲线,再加上面料强捻带来的若隐若现的微透感,整一个就是很慵懒的纸片人效果。细节上也很RO风格,领部是四层叠加的毛边效果,开放式的领圈,微微卷边,很肆意随性的慵懒,袖口及衣摆作了偏修长的设计,并且跟领口呼应,做了未收边的工艺,方便多色自由叠穿,袖口及下摆可微微堆量,不动声色地增加时髦度。经典的黑白色调,极简的款型,独特的细节,区别于衣橱里的其他打底T恤,是一组超薄0压感,轻盈微透视,会呼吸,有风格的纸片人打底衫。关于面料及工艺:100%棉,日本进口纱线,优质长绒棉,bdeb支单全棉撵纱织造,柔软透薄,是高弹性的一款罗纹组织面,在日本技术工艺下创造出柔糯质感,细腻手感加上现在流行的微透视感是这组面料的最大特点,市面罕见,手感干爽,垂坠飘逸,穿着舒适,优异的纤维特性和纺纱织造工艺决定品质感,有着云朵般的轻盈触觉,透光的高级感拿捏到位,可多色自由叠穿,打造丰富视觉层次感。尺码:S,M,L
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2024-10-9 11:20
BGA136zlbbz-女款圆机织造超细羊毛极简设计圆领长袖T恤关于款式及设计:纯色Tee要想搏出位,一在于版型,一在于面料,而The Row的这组单品,在足够极简又不失小细节的基础上,凭面料就足够出圈。16.5um细度的超细美丽诺羊毛,相比常规的棉布Tee而言,无疑是个升级版,而且还是高阶版本,可以毫不费力的高级。极简风格的纯色T恤,全成型的小圆领,双层包边处理,领部的线条更圆润流畅,舒适贴合不易变形,凸显直角肩,优化脖颈线条。除了面料精贵,工艺也很繁复,常规的羊毛制品⼤多都是机器织出来的,The Row的这组款是羊毛织片在进口Stoll机织成后,再经剪裁 缝制的做法,⼀⽅⾯⽐较费料,成本增加很多,另⼀⽅⾯这种超轻超柔并且还有弹力的东⻄,剪裁和缝制难度都⽐较⼤,⾮常考验⼯⼈的技术。关于面料及工艺:100%绵羊毛,100/1的纱支,16.5um超细度的羊毛纱线,经进口圆机纺织而成,相当耗时,布面细腻亲肤透气,不要抗拒夏天穿羊毛单品,羊毛是⼀种活性纤维,这种纤维可以根据外部环境的变化做出反应,冬天可以帮助身体快速升温,夏天可以快速排汗排湿,时刻保持透⽓⼲爽,具有冬暖夏凉的特性,仿若第二次肌肤。尺码:均码M
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2024-10-9 11:22
BGA136zlbbz-女款圆机织造超细羊毛极简设计圆领长袖T恤关于款式及设计:纯色Tee要想搏出位,一在于版型,一在于面料,而The Row的这组单品,在足够极简又不失小细节的基础上,凭面料就足够出圈。16.5um细度的超细美丽诺羊毛,相比常规的棉布Tee而言,无疑是个升级版,而且还是高阶版本,可以毫不费力的高级。极简风格的纯色T恤,全成型的小圆领,双层包边处理,领部的线条更圆润流畅,舒适贴合不易变形,凸显直角肩,优化脖颈线条。除了面料精贵,工艺也很繁复,常规的羊毛制品⼤多都是机器织出来的,The Row的这组款是羊毛织片在进口Stoll机织成后,再经剪裁 缝制的做法,⼀⽅⾯⽐较费料,成本增加很多,另⼀⽅⾯这种超轻超柔并且还有弹力的东⻄,剪裁和缝制难度都⽐较⼤,⾮常考验⼯⼈的技术。关于面料及工艺:100%绵羊毛,100/1的纱支,16.5um超细度的羊毛纱线,经进口圆机纺织而成,相当耗时,布面细腻亲肤透气,不要抗拒夏天穿羊毛单品,羊毛是⼀种活性纤维,这种纤维可以根据外部环境的变化做出反应,冬天可以帮助身体快速升温,夏天可以快速排汗排湿,时刻保持透⽓⼲爽,具有冬暖夏凉的特性,仿若第二次肌肤。尺码:均码M
0 Sold
2024-10-9 11:22
BGA136zlbbz-女款圆机织造超细羊毛极简设计圆领长袖T恤关于款式及设计:纯色Tee要想搏出位,一在于版型,一在于面料,而The Row的这组单品,在足够极简又不失小细节的基础上,凭面料就足够出圈。16.5um细度的超细美丽诺羊毛,相比常规的棉布Tee而言,无疑是个升级版,而且还是高阶版本,可以毫不费力的高级。极简风格的纯色T恤,全成型的小圆领,双层包边处理,领部的线条更圆润流畅,舒适贴合不易变形,凸显直角肩,优化脖颈线条。除了面料精贵,工艺也很繁复,常规的羊毛制品⼤多都是机器织出来的,The Row的这组款是羊毛织片在进口Stoll机织成后,再经剪裁 缝制的做法,⼀⽅⾯⽐较费料,成本增加很多,另⼀⽅⾯这种超轻超柔并且还有弹力的东⻄,剪裁和缝制难度都⽐较⼤,⾮常考验⼯⼈的技术。关于面料及工艺:100%绵羊毛,100/1的纱支,16.5um超细度的羊毛纱线,经进口圆机纺织而成,相当耗时,布面细腻亲肤透气,不要抗拒夏天穿羊毛单品,羊毛是⼀种活性纤维,这种纤维可以根据外部环境的变化做出反应,冬天可以帮助身体快速升温,夏天可以快速排汗排湿,时刻保持透⽓⼲爽,具有冬暖夏凉的特性,仿若第二次肌肤。尺码:均码M
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2024-10-9 11:22
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2024-10-9 16:08
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2024-10-9 16:08
捡漏,特价????️ywdws,驼色36-7,不退不换,运费自理,原价zqdbz-女款后背立体中轴线超细精纺美丽诺羊毛巴素兰工艺可机洗专利自由堆堆领纯色打底衫关于Brand:出自被誉为时装界真正奢侈品的BC,高品控Old Money们的挚爱,延续一贯地低调但高质的作派,风格极简,面料为王,细节精湛,满足了对“有品”最恰到好处的定义。关于款式及设计:刚需品的打底衫,BC本季主打,共推出大同小异的四组款,专柜sddyye0 起步,可解衣橱秋冬搭配的燃眉之急。纯色自由领打底衫,时髦精本精的自由型高领,可翻折可堆堆,在保暖舒适的同时还兼具了造型点睛,对于日常搭配而已可以说是锦上添花的存在。这组款最精髓的细节,在于后背立体拼缝线采用独特的四针六线工艺,打破传统,把包缝工艺作为设计亮点置于后中。制作时,需在背后单独拼接一块独立裁剪的长条,在这一裁片中间笔笔直直的包缝,然后再将这一裁片精准的拼接置Tee背中,需要经验极其丰富的裁剪师傅,才能保证中间的拼接裁片和左右Tee身裁片完全平齐不会有误差,稍有马虎和闪失就可以整单全部报废。关于面料及工艺:100%巴素兰羊毛,只有金字塔尖的高奢品们才会御用的TM羊毛,纱线采用世界最大的的精纺毛纺生产企业——德国南方毛业集团 Suedwolle group的YIM超细精纺美丽诺羊毛。其它商家一直宣传的扬子纱线,不过是它在中国建的生产基地之一。而这组款我们采用的是有授权配吊卡的纯正德国YIM美丽诺超细羊毛,非国产。细腻程度可贴肤穿无扎刺感,经过德国巴斯夫公司的巴素兰处理技术,使羊毛鳞片钝化,消除痒刺感,巴素兰处理的羊毛具有独特的蓬松度和柔软性,色泽高级,纤维强,力损伤小的优点,外加专利级可机洗工艺,成衣不变形不缩水,像T恤一般耐造易打理。Steady公司织造出品,用的是已经不存在的国家“西德织造”的古老精密织机织造!带吊牌和授权的英国”coats”高士弹力线车缝!尺码:36,38,40
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2024-10-12 13:22
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2024-10-13 11:27
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2024-10-13 11:27
上面随便来件T恤 出门没有搭配烦恼????
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2024-10-11 17:06
The Row* | TR minimalist air short -sleeved is called 'the favorite of rich people' without a brand than it knows the old money wind overall style, low -key minimalist style, like this simple T -shirt, The upper body is versatile, and it can be worn on the upper single. The loose version of boys and girls can easily control it. It won''t be easily deforming when wear long and long washing. SI: S M LP YBDLY
0 Sold
2024-10-12 14:20
yewwdlulu Men''s running training fitness service stand -up collar semi -zipper polyramid -drying long -sleeved long -sleeved color: blue black gray code Number: l xl xxl 3xl 4xL goods number: BDEB2#men''s long sleeves
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2024-10-9 11:33
YBWLZ · 4/Explosion spot original single quality Lou * V | The latest series of T -shirts custom whole cotton material texture delicate skin soft exquisite personality fashion shows pure desires and handmade handmade Very suitable for four seasons, custom noodle auxiliary materials recognition version : beige : S M L
0 Sold
2024-10-9 11:50
Foreign trade source Maine Serre embroidery Moon long -sleeved T -shirt! Guests are soft and delicate with cotton fabrics. The feel is soft and delicate, skin -friendly and breathable, pure color, and the bottom of the outside is very beautiful! SML code, lxa10yedsj
0 Sold
2024-10-8 07:54
Foreign trade source Ms. Lava Lauron''s new long -sleeved T -shirt! Guests for pure cotton fabrics, soft and comfortable, wearing silk skid skin, very comfortable, iron -gray gray and white, SML code, lxpa10yedsj
0 Sold
2024-10-8 07:54
Foreign trade source Ms. Lava Lauron''s new long -sleeved T -shirt! Guests for pure cotton fabrics, soft and comfortable, wearing silk skid skin, very comfortable, iron -gray gray and white, SML code, lxpa10yedsj
0 Sold
2024-10-8 07:54
Foreign trade source pressure Mountain king long -sleeved T -shirt! Guests for pure cotton fabrics, micro -elasticity, comfortable and breathable on the upper body, and the out -of -wearing base is suitable, black gray and coffee color, SML code, LXA20ysdwz
0 Sold
2024-10-8 07:54
Foreign trade source Prada autumn and winter new fake two long -sleeved T -shirts! Simple and fashionable, guests for pure cotton fabrics, soft and delicate feel, dark blue and wine red, SML code, loose version, lxa35ywwww
0 Sold
2024-10-8 07:54
Foreign Trade Source MIU Striped long -sleeved T -shirt! Guests are soft and delicate with cotton fabrics. The feel is soft and delicate, skin -friendly and breathable, pure color, and the bottom of the outside is very beautiful! SML code, lxazwyqb45
0 Sold
2024-10-10 07:39
Foreign trade source Prada autumn and winter new fake two long -sleeved T -shirts! Simple and fashionable, guests for pure cotton fabrics, soft and delicate feel, dark blue and wine red, SML code, loose version, lxa35ywwww
0 Sold
2024-10-10 07:40
Foreign trade source Celine new embroidery brand letters long -sleeved T -shirt! Star Zhong Xintong same model! Guests for pure cotton fabrics, feel soft and comfortable, delicate and skin -friendly! The texture is first, the flower gray, SML code, LXAZWYQB45
0 Sold
2024-10-10 08:26
Foreign trade source Celine new embroidery brand letters long -sleeved T -shirt! Star Zhong Xintong same model! Guests for pure cotton fabrics, feel soft and comfortable, delicate and skin -friendly! The texture is first, the flower gray, SML code, LXAZWYQB45
0 Sold
2024-10-10 08:27
Foreign trade source DI*R latest short -sleeved T -shirt! Autumn and winter! Night light effect, foreign trade export order channels, guests for combing cotton, slim version, black M-XXL code, MPA20ysdWZ
0 Sold
2024-10-11 11:11
Men''s round neck long -sleeved T -shirt, basic model, classic TB embroidery pattern! Cotton fabric is super soft and skin -friendly, very textured, skin -friendly is perfect! Whether it is a single wear or an internal match, it is very young and bright, it is a forestry item! Three standards of shipments, white, black and dark blue, S-XXL, JFALDEEYBDLY
0 Sold
2024-10-11 13:22
BBR men''s round neck long -sleeved T -shirt, basic model, classic TB embroidery pattern! Cotton fabric is super soft and skin -friendly, very textured, skin -friendly is perfect! Whether it is a single wear or an internal match, it is very young and bright, it is a forestry item! Three standards of shipments, white, black and dark blue, S-XXL, JFALDEEYBDLY
0 Sold
2024-10-11 13:22
Men''s round neck long -sleeved T -shirt, basic model, classic TB embroidery pattern! Cotton fabric is super soft and skin -friendly, very textured, skin -friendly is perfect! Whether it is a single wear or an internal match, it is very young and bright, it is a forestry item! Three standards of shipments, white, black and dark blue, S-XXL, JFALDEEYBDLY
0 Sold
2024-10-11 13:24
Foreign trade source MIUMIU striped long -sleeved T -shirt! The guest provides 100%cotton fabric, soft and comfortable, skin -friendly, pockets on the chest, the official website, loose version, the size of the size, SML code, A40yldwl
0 Sold
2024-10-11 13:27
Foreign trade source MIUMIU striped long -sleeved T -shirt! The guest provides 100%cotton fabric, soft and comfortable, skin -friendly, pockets on the chest, the official website, loose version, the size of the size, SML code, A40yldwl
0 Sold
2024-10-11 13:28
Foreign trade source MIUMIU knitted long -sleeved T -shirt bottoming shirt! Use beautiful slave wool blended fabrics, with elasticity, 76.6%Lyocell, 19.3%wool, 4.1%elastic fiber, super comfortable, classic wine red and thin
0 Sold
2024-10-12 08:52
Foreign Trade Source, Ms. Hilry, autumn and winter new long -sleeved T -shirt bottoming shirt! Half-high neck, 76%of the fabrics Laisel 20%wool 4%spandex, feel very good, soft and comfortable, rice white coffee color and black, S-XL code, tpalwesyjdle
0 Sold
2024-10-12 08:52
Foreign Trade Source, Ms. Hilry, autumn and winter new long -sleeved T -shirt bottoming shirt! Half-high neck, 76%of the fabrics Laisel 20%wool 4%spandex, feel very good, soft and comfortable, rice white coffee color and black, S-XL code, tpalwesyjdle
0 Sold
2024-10-12 08:52
Foreign Trade Source DI*R new embroidered small elephant long -sleeved T -shirt! The original factory passengers for horses cotton, the feel is soft and silky, the upper body is light and thin, and the cloud -like texture is very good! Black and white, SML code, mdalDeeybdly
0 Sold
2024-10-13 09:45
Foreign trade source Brunello Cucinelli BC Men''s new pure color round neck long -sleeved long -sleeved T -shirt bottoming shirt! Foreign trade order channels can be checked, and the QDEW is provided for QDEW. It only feels first, soft and smooth on the upper body, comfortable and breathable, Zhenpin! Sell ??one less, the number is too large, yqwld ywdws pound wears M code, and the maximum code can easily control YJDLE pound! S-xxl code, tpaqDewyjdle
0 Sold
2024-10-13 10:27
Foreign trade source Brunello Cucinelli BC Men''s new pure color round neck long -sleeved long -sleeved T -shirt bottoming shirt! Foreign trade order channels can be checked, and the QDEW is provided for QDEW. It only feels first, soft and smooth on the upper body, comfortable and breathable, Zhenpin! Sell ??one less, the number is too large, yqwld ywdws pound wears M code, and the maximum code can easily control YJDLE pound! S-xxl code, tpaqDewyjdle
0 Sold
2024-10-13 10:28
Foreign trade source MIUMIU chest with cloth embroidered long -sleeved T -shirt! The guest is 100%cotton fabric, which feels soft and comfortable. The miu letters on the chest of the ready -to -wear of the cloth embroidery, the workmanship is delicate, dark blue, white and iron -gray, SML code, A40yldwl
0 Sold
2024-10-13 10:59
Foreign trade source MIUMIU chest with cloth embroidered long -sleeved T -shirt! The guest is 100%cotton fabric, which feels soft and comfortable. The miu letters on the chest of the ready -to -wear of the cloth embroidery, the workmanship is delicate, dark blue, white and iron -gray, SML code, A40yldwl
0 Sold
2024-10-13 10:59
German velvet grinding T -shirt, autumn T -shirts, white warehouses, and s. Formulating ZSDQW clear ydbss
0 Sold
2024-10-13 13:29
PZSWQL Retail EBDYDBBV Weaving Family 24 Autumn and Winter New Light Luxury Wool Mold Metal Metal Weaving Patterns Pattern Men''s long -sleeved round neck T -shirt still continues the design tone of BV, bringing its own low -key and noble style to the extreme. The overall design does not have any fancy craftsmanship as a gimmick, clean and straightforward, explaining the high -level fashion sense to the extreme! This bottoming shirt is perfect in terms of design, fabrics, crafts, details, and quality. The customer is selected for the selection of imported comfortable fabrics. The fabric uses 42.9%polyester fiber 40.6%regenerative cellulose fiber 7.6%acylon 6.4%cotton wool 2.5 2.5 %Of the high -quality components of %spandex, invincible texture, and excellent skin -friendly. We pay attention to the control of comfort and smell. The fabric chooses natural cotton fiber. The flat anti -wrinkle performance makes you always stand upright and stylish. At the same time, the addition of recycled cellulose fiber can degrade harmless, soft and comfortable, smooth and shiny surface, and moisture -absorbing and breathable. The fabric is added with high density and twisted fuzi, so that the clothing has good fold restoration and has good anti -wrinkle. Whether it is daily wear or formal occasion, you can always keep it upright and stylish. The texture of the front piece of the front shirt of the round neck shirt is the soul of the whole. Our pursuit of details is not soft. The brand charm, exquisite carvings, and high -temperature gels such as the combination of various processes are decorated, forming a low -key lack of noble sense of nobleness! ''s thin and comfortable fit style is simple, threaded collar design and optimizes the shoulder and neck ratio, conventional shoulder -neck precision wiring artificial seams, German Jin weaving machine 16 -pin cross -horizontal machine, the yarn is very finely woven system The fabric is flat, fine and high -end, not only that, but also meticulous workmanship also makes the entire bottom shirt appear exquisite and extraordinary. Whether it is a single or inside, you can show your proud posture! Intersection color: rice white/black 174/ysdwz upper body L code size: m-xxxl model number: excsjbszljewm codes 104 shoulder width 47.8 sleeve length 64l codes ydbs, shoulder width 49 sleeve length 66xl 66xl Code Boys 112 Shoulder width WDEY.2 Sleeve length wjee long lbewxxl code bust 116 Shoulder width 51.4 sleeve length ljew.5xxxl code
0 Sold
2024-10-7 19:58
PZSWQL Retail EBDYDBBV Weaving Family 24 Autumn and Winter New Light Luxury Wool Mold Metal Metal Weaving Patterns Pattern Men''s long -sleeved round neck T -shirt still continues the design tone of BV, bringing its own low -key and noble style to the extreme. The overall design does not have any fancy craftsmanship as a gimmick, clean and straightforward, explaining the high -level fashion sense to the extreme! This bottoming shirt is perfect in terms of design, fabrics, crafts, details, and quality. The customer is selected for the selection of imported comfortable fabrics. The fabric uses 42.9%polyester fiber 40.6%regenerative cellulose fiber 7.6%acylon 6.4%cotton wool 2.5 2.5 %Of the high -quality components of %spandex, invincible texture, and excellent skin -friendly. We pay attention to the control of comfort and smell. The fabric chooses natural cotton fiber. The flat anti -wrinkle performance makes you always stand upright and stylish. At the same time, the addition of recycled cellulose fiber can degrade harmless, soft and comfortable, smooth and shiny surface, and moisture -absorbing and breathable. The fabric is added with high density and twisted fuzi, so that the clothing has good fold restoration and has good anti -wrinkle. Whether it is daily wear or formal occasion, you can always keep it upright and stylish. The texture of the front piece of the front shirt of the round neck shirt is the soul of the whole. Our pursuit of details is not soft. The brand charm, exquisite carvings, and high -temperature gels such as the combination of various processes are decorated, forming a low -key lack of noble sense of nobleness! ''s thin and comfortable fit style is simple, threaded collar design and optimizes the shoulder and neck ratio, conventional shoulder -neck precision wiring artificial seams, German Jin weaving machine 16 -pin cross -horizontal machine, the yarn is very finely woven system The fabric is flat, fine and high -end, not only that, but also meticulous workmanship also makes the entire bottom shirt appear exquisite and extraordinary. Whether it is a single or inside, you can show your proud posture! Intersection color: rice white/black 174/ysdwz upper body L code size: m-xxxl model number: excsjbszljewm codes 104 shoulder width 47.8 sleeve length 64l codes ydbs, shoulder width 49 sleeve length 66xl 66xl Code Boys 112 Shoulder width WDEY.2 Sleeve length wjee long lbewxxl code bust 116 Shoulder width 51.4 sleeve length ljew.5xxxl code
0 Sold
2024-10-7 19:58
pzswql // 24FW autumn and winter new product XXX series Modal top luxury fabric super delicate men''s long -sleeved T -shirt fabric drunk love 43.5% acetacerum fiber 42.6% Modal 13.9% spandex, proper high quality, the texture really loves! Japan''s imported acetic acid fabric, high -level texture, smooth skin kiss, texture and luster are very close to real silk, have a sense of luster and drooping without losing real silk, the touch is as smooth as silk, but it is better than real silk, and it is better to take care of it, and it is better to take care of it. Because the material of Modal is added, the skin -friendly is soft and soft. Behind the upper body, it has both stylish and vertical sense. The bottom T -shirt is generally cotton. In recent years, the material of the material of Mol for Mordide in the fashion circle is particularly popular. It comes with leisure and laziness, suitable for various occasions, which can easily create careless fashion, casual nature, casual nature And 篙. Qiangqiang teamed up to create autumn and winter drunk and high comfort series! Intersection ''s front film is equipped with a very brand -effect XXX letters three -dimensional embroidery stickers, presenting a sense of brand charm and visual impact, plus a slightly loose silhouette cutting style design, the round neckline design with a positive shoulder version Design, the upper body has a sense of specifications and style, and it shows a unique and unique fashion charm that makes its upper body more perfect. The style of control is better. The atmosphere and luxury, the degree of fashion is explosive, and there is no pressure to control casual and high streets! Intersection In this autumn and winter work, its brand director designer is ingenious. There is no doubt that the best heavier, without too much vocabulary to describe this popular item. In terms of fabric selection, it has already seized people! Intersection color: black/white 174-ysdwz upper body L code size: m-3xl model number: Excsjbszqwelm code: shoulder width 47.8cm bust 104cm length 64cm sleeve 57cml code: shoulder width 49cm bust ydbscm 6cm sleeve length WBezcmxL code : Shoulder width WDEY.2CM Bust Bust 112cm Dress LBEWCM sleeve long WJECMXXL code: Shoulder width 51.4cm bust 116cm qDewcm long LDEECM3XL code: Shoulder width 52.6cm busty yan 71cm sleeve 61cm sleeve 61cm long 61cm
0 Sold
2024-10-10 20:56
pzswql // 24FW autumn and winter new product XXX series Modal top luxury fabric super delicate men''s long -sleeved T -shirt fabric drunk love 43.5% acetacerum fiber 42.6% Modal 13.9% spandex, proper high quality, the texture really loves! Japan''s imported acetic acid fabric, high -level texture, smooth skin kiss, texture and luster are very close to real silk, have a sense of luster and drooping without losing real silk, the touch is as smooth as silk, but it is better than real silk, and it is better to take care of it, and it is better to take care of it. Because the material of Modal is added, the skin -friendly is soft and soft. Behind the upper body, it has both stylish and vertical sense. The bottom T -shirt is generally cotton. In recent years, the material of the material of Mol for Mordide in the fashion circle is particularly popular. It comes with leisure and laziness, suitable for various occasions, which can easily create careless fashion, casual nature, casual nature And 篙. Qiangqiang teamed up to create autumn and winter drunk and high comfort series! Intersection ''s front film is equipped with a very brand -effect XXX letters three -dimensional embroidery stickers, presenting a sense of brand charm and visual impact, plus a slightly loose silhouette cutting style design, the round neckline design with a positive shoulder version Design, the upper body has a sense of specifications and style, and it shows a unique and unique fashion charm that makes its upper body more perfect. The style of control is better. The atmosphere and luxury, the degree of fashion is explosive, and there is no pressure to control casual and high streets! Intersection In this autumn and winter work, its brand director designer is ingenious. There is no doubt that the best heavier, without too much vocabulary to describe this popular item. In terms of fabric selection, it has already seized people! Intersection color: black/white 174-ysdwz upper body L code size: m-3xl model number: Excsjbszqwelm code: shoulder width 47.8cm bust 104cm length 64cm sleeve 57cml code: shoulder width 49cm bust ydbscm 6cm sleeve length WBezcmxL code : Shoulder width WDEY.2CM Bust Bust 112cm Dress LBEWCM sleeve long WJECMXXL code: Shoulder width 51.4cm bust 116cm qDewcm long LDEECM3XL code: Shoulder width 52.6cm busty yan 71cm sleeve 61cm sleeve 61cm long 61cm
0 Sold
2024-10-10 20:56
pzswql // 24FW autumn and winter new product XXX series Modal top luxury fabric super delicate men''s long -sleeved T -shirt fabric drunk love 43.5% acetacerum fiber 42.6% Modal 13.9% spandex, proper high quality, the texture really loves! Japan''s imported acetic acid fabric, high -level texture, smooth skin kiss, texture and luster are very close to real silk, have a sense of luster and drooping without losing real silk, the touch is as smooth as silk, but it is better than real silk, and it is better to take care of it, and it is better to take care of it. Because the material of Modal is added, the skin -friendly is soft and soft. Behind the upper body, it has both stylish and vertical sense. The bottom T -shirt is generally cotton. In recent years, the material of the material of Mol for Mordide in the fashion circle is particularly popular. It comes with leisure and laziness, suitable for various occasions, which can easily create careless fashion, casual nature, casual nature And 篙. Qiangqiang teamed up to create autumn and winter drunk and high comfort series! Intersection ''s front film is equipped with a very brand -effect XXX letters three -dimensional embroidery stickers, presenting a sense of brand charm and visual impact, plus a slightly loose silhouette cutting style design, the round neckline design with a positive shoulder version Design, the upper body has a sense of specifications and style, and it shows a unique and unique fashion charm that makes its upper body more perfect. The style of control is better. The atmosphere and luxury, the degree of fashion is explosive, and there is no pressure to control casual and high streets! Intersection In this autumn and winter work, its brand director designer is ingenious. There is no doubt that the best heavier, without too much vocabulary to describe this popular item. In terms of fabric selection, it has already seized people! Intersection color: black/white 174-ysdwz upper body L code size: m-3xl model number: Excsjbszqwelm code: shoulder width 47.8cm bust 104cm length 64cm sleeve 57cml code: shoulder width 49cm bust ydbscm 6cm sleeve length WBezcmxL code : Shoulder width WDEY.2CM Bust Bust 112cm Dress LBEWCM sleeve long WJECMXXL code: Shoulder width 51.4cm bust 116cm qDewcm long LDEECM3XL code: Shoulder width 52.6cm busty yan 71cm sleeve 61cm sleeve 61cm long 61cm
0 Sold
2024-10-10 20:56
pyzwsb retail zzdqd new spring and summer new products, modern listing- canvas handblack shoulder bag, youthful vitality is very comfortable and casual! large capacity, the first choice for daily bags, just a T -shirt is super beautiful! size: length 26 width 13 height 25
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2024-10-11 19:40
pyzwsb retail zzdqd new spring and summer new products, modern listing- canvas handblack shoulder bag, youthful vitality is very comfortable and casual! large capacity, the first choice for daily bags, just a T -shirt is super beautiful! size: length 26 width 13 height 25
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2024-10-11 19:40
pzswql retail ELDYDEBC // 24 Autumn and Winter New Fashion Show Show Satalization Wool Renewable Fiber Men''s Circular Blood Pressing Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic T -shirt is definitely a heavy -duty autumn and winter item. Fabric surface layer: LWES.5% recycled cellulose fiber 19.7% acrylic 14.8% spandex (bottom layer of fabric: 30.0% acrylic 30.0% acetaceae fiber 25.2% sticky fiber 11.3% spandex 3.5% cotton wool), the overall touch, smooth, light lightness, lightness, lightness, lightness, lightness There is a texture, although the fabric seems to be thin and thin but full of distinguish! The feel is far superior to the long -sleeved base fabric with blended materials, soft and skin -friendly, sweat -absorbing and breathable, strong stability and solidarity, and wearing wear -resistant anti -wrinkle performance. Wearing acetate base shirt is not easy to generate static electricity, the gloss is very strong, the color is very gorgeous, the touch is smooth and comfortable to the skin, the performance is not lost to the mulberry silk. Jia, not those ordinary goods on the market, are dedicated to fixed dyeing yourself! Intersection Intersection I made a velvet design inside, wearing skin -friendly and warm, wearing it alone in autumn, it is very fashionable to be directly used in winter! Intersection Intersection ''s overall highlights are decorated on BC classic animal gum, classic and atmospheric, so that the wearer shows its noble and elegant temperament. Unparalleled, the neckline, cuffs and hem have been handled by double -layer edges cutting, making it stronger, and it is not easy to deform for a long time. No matter which details are used Temperament, the upper body has the charm of urban business men. The whole clothes are very textured. It is also stylish and versatile in style. Intersection color: black/khaki 174/ysdwz upper body L code size: m-xxxl model number: Excsjbsz66m code 104 shoulder width 47.8 sleeve length 64l bust bust width 49 sleeve length 66 XL code bust 112 Shoulder width WDEY.2 Sleeve length wjee long lbewxxl code bust 116 Shoulder width 51.4 sleeve length ljew.5xxxl code
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2024-10-11 19:56
pzswql retail ELDYDEBC // 24 Autumn and Winter New Fashion Show Show Satalization Wool Renewable Fiber Men''s Circular Blood Pressing Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic T -shirt is definitely a heavy -duty autumn and winter item. Fabric surface layer: LWES.5% recycled cellulose fiber 19.7% acrylic 14.8% spandex (bottom layer of fabric: 30.0% acrylic 30.0% acetaceae fiber 25.2% sticky fiber 11.3% spandex 3.5% cotton wool), the overall touch, smooth, light lightness, lightness, lightness, lightness, lightness There is a texture, although the fabric seems to be thin and thin but full of distinguish! The feel is far superior to the long -sleeved base fabric with blended materials, soft and skin -friendly, sweat -absorbing and breathable, strong stability and solidarity, and wearing wear -resistant anti -wrinkle performance. Wearing acetate base shirt is not easy to generate static electricity, the gloss is very strong, the color is very gorgeous, the touch is smooth and comfortable to the skin, the performance is not lost to the mulberry silk. Jia, not those ordinary goods on the market, are dedicated to fixed dyeing yourself! Intersection Intersection I made a velvet design inside, wearing skin -friendly and warm, wearing it alone in autumn, it is very fashionable to be directly used in winter! Intersection Intersection ''s overall highlights are decorated on BC classic animal gum, classic and atmospheric, so that the wearer shows its noble and elegant temperament. Unparalleled, the neckline, cuffs and hem have been handled by double -layer edges cutting, making it stronger, and it is not easy to deform for a long time. No matter which details are used Temperament, the upper body has the charm of urban business men. The whole clothes are very textured. It is also stylish and versatile in style. Intersection color: black/khaki 174/ysdwz upper body L code size: m-xxxl model number: Excsjbsz66m code 104 shoulder width 47.8 sleeve length 64l bust bust width 49 sleeve length 66 XL code bust 112 Shoulder width WDEY.2 Sleeve length wjee long lbewxxl code bust 116 Shoulder width 51.4 sleeve length ljew.5xxxl code
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2024-10-11 19:56
pzswql retail ELDYDEBC // 24 Autumn and Winter New Fashion Show Show Satalization Wool Renewable Fiber Men''s Circular Blood Pressing Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic T -shirt is definitely a heavy -duty autumn and winter item. Fabric surface layer: LWES.5% recycled cellulose fiber 19.7% acrylic 14.8% spandex (bottom layer of fabric: 30.0% acrylic 30.0% acetaceae fiber 25.2% sticky fiber 11.3% spandex 3.5% cotton wool), the overall touch, smooth, light lightness, lightness, lightness, lightness, lightness There is a texture, although the fabric seems to be thin and thin but full of distinguish! The feel is far superior to the long -sleeved base fabric with blended materials, soft and skin -friendly, sweat -absorbing and breathable, strong stability and solidarity, and wearing wear -resistant anti -wrinkle performance. Wearing acetate base shirt is not easy to generate static electricity, the gloss is very strong, the color is very gorgeous, the touch is smooth and comfortable to the skin, the performance is not lost to the mulberry silk. Jia, not those ordinary goods on the market, are dedicated to fixed dyeing yourself! Intersection Intersection I made a velvet design inside, wearing skin -friendly and warm, wearing it alone in autumn, it is very fashionable to be directly used in winter! Intersection Intersection ''s overall highlights are decorated on BC classic animal gum, classic and atmospheric, so that the wearer shows its noble and elegant temperament. Unparalleled, the neckline, cuffs and hem have been handled by double -layer edges cutting, making it stronger, and it is not easy to deform for a long time. No matter which details are used Temperament, the upper body has the charm of urban business men. The whole clothes are very textured. It is also stylish and versatile in style. Intersection color: black/khaki 174/ysdwz upper body L code size: m-xxxl model number: Excsjbsz66m code 104 shoulder width 47.8 sleeve length 64l bust bust width 49 sleeve length 66 XL code bust 112 Shoulder width WDEY.2 Sleeve length wjee long lbewxxl code bust 116 Shoulder width 51.4 sleeve length ljew.5xxxl code
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2024-10-11 19:56
PZSWQL Bylu D -BJSD5 // 24 Autumn and Winter New Fabrics Imported Laisle Fandal Cashmere Natural Fiber Men''s Velvet Invincible Skin Sleeve T-shirt selected 33.7%sticky fiber 22.4%Laisle 19% This beautiful clothing made of JME 17.7%cotton 5.2%spandex 2%cashmere high -end ingredients, and then refined with the exclusive fabric production process, eventually temped out such top -quality fabrics, fabricated fabrics, wearing pro -pro. The skin is comfortable, soft and delicate, and very warmth. The injection of high -quality Laisier natural fiber component makes it more skinny. Laiser fiber is also called Tiansi. Smooth and smooth, known as 'breathing fabric'. Pure natural fabrics anti -allergies, more practical, both cotton soft, silk luster and hemp smoothness and polyester high strength, very hard and stylish, very hard and stylish , The upper body is fashionable, and the texture is better than all market goods, and you can feel the most top -notch comfort! Then use the super fine cashmere yarn to be knitted, and then through the specially treated dye yarn, this dress is both breathable and warm. The feel is mellow and solid, the texture is delicate, with a wide bones and bones, and the flexibility is excellent. It is not easy to cause deformation and broken problems. Even if there is no upper body, it is enough to imagine how comfortable it is. It is very suitable to wear it alone! front film is equipped with fun numerals with a very brand effect. 1bjsd5 three -dimensional embroidery stickers, showing a sense of brand charm and visual impact, plus a slightly loose silhouette cutting style design, the round neckline design with a wide silhouette shape The version design, the upper body is super specified and stylish. Simple and atmospheric design style, light and elegant and leisure, suitable for various styles of dressing and matching, classic colors can also show different fashion style! At the same time, the overall neat and fine wiring tailoring reflects a natural sense of atmosphere. The overall net version of the style shows the high -level sense of low -key luxury, which is fully in line with the real and high matching of modern people''s dressing and high matching matching. Degree, also has a sense of fashion, is an indispensable item in autumn and winter! color: black/white 174-ysdwz upper body L code size: M-3XL model: EXCSJBSZ74M code: shoulder width SBED.8cm bust 104cm length 64cm sleeve length 56.5cml code CM clothing length 66cm sleeve length 57.5cmxl code: Shoulder width 51.2m bust 112cm long LBEWCM sleeve long Wbez.5cmxxl code: Shoulder width 52.4cm bust 116cm long ljew.5cm sleeve long wjee.5cm3xl code: shoulder width 53.6cm bust yzdsq yzdsq CM clothing length 71cm sleeve long LDEE .5cm
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2024-10-11 20:42
PZSWQL Bylu D -BJSD5 // 24 Autumn and Winter New Fabrics Imported Laisle Fandal Cashmere Natural Fiber Men''s Velvet Invincible Skin Sleeve T-shirt selected 33.7%sticky fiber 22.4%Laisle 19% This beautiful clothing made of JME 17.7%cotton 5.2%spandex 2%cashmere high -end ingredients, and then refined with the exclusive fabric production process, eventually temped out such top -quality fabrics, fabricated fabrics, wearing pro -pro. The skin is comfortable, soft and delicate, and very warmth. The injection of high -quality Laisier natural fiber component makes it more skinny. Laiser fiber is also called Tiansi. Smooth and smooth, known as 'breathing fabric'. Pure natural fabrics anti -allergies, more practical, both cotton soft, silk luster and hemp smoothness and polyester high strength, very hard and stylish, very hard and stylish , The upper body is fashionable, and the texture is better than all market goods, and you can feel the most top -notch comfort! Then use the super fine cashmere yarn to be knitted, and then through the specially treated dye yarn, this dress is both breathable and warm. The feel is mellow and solid, the texture is delicate, with a wide bones and bones, and the flexibility is excellent. It is not easy to cause deformation and broken problems. Even if there is no upper body, it is enough to imagine how comfortable it is. It is very suitable to wear it alone! front film is equipped with fun numerals with a very brand effect. 1bjsd5 three -dimensional embroidery stickers, showing a sense of brand charm and visual impact, plus a slightly loose silhouette cutting style design, the round neckline design with a wide silhouette shape The version design, the upper body is super specified and stylish. Simple and atmospheric design style, light and elegant and leisure, suitable for various styles of dressing and matching, classic colors can also show different fashion style! At the same time, the overall neat and fine wiring tailoring reflects a natural sense of atmosphere. The overall net version of the style shows the high -level sense of low -key luxury, which is fully in line with the real and high matching of modern people''s dressing and high matching matching. Degree, also has a sense of fashion, is an indispensable item in autumn and winter! color: black/white 174-ysdwz upper body L code size: M-3XL model: EXCSJBSZ74M code: shoulder width SBED.8cm bust 104cm length 64cm sleeve length 56.5cml code CM clothing length 66cm sleeve length 57.5cmxl code: Shoulder width 51.2m bust 112cm long LBEWCM sleeve long Wbez.5cmxxl code: Shoulder width 52.4cm bust 116cm long ljew.5cm sleeve long wjee.5cm3xl code: shoulder width 53.6cm bust yzdsq yzdsq CM clothing length 71cm sleeve long LDEE .5cm
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2024-10-11 20:43
PZSWQL Bylu D -BJSD5 // 24 Autumn and Winter New Fabrics Imported Laisle Fandal Cashmere Natural Fiber Men''s Velvet Invincible Skin Sleeve T-shirt selected 33.7%sticky fiber 22.4%Laisle 19% This beautiful clothing made of JME 17.7%cotton 5.2%spandex 2%cashmere high -end ingredients, and then refined with the exclusive fabric production process, eventually temped out such top -quality fabrics, fabricated fabrics, wearing pro -pro. The skin is comfortable, soft and delicate, and very warmth. The injection of high -quality Laisier natural fiber component makes it more skinny. Laiser fiber is also called Tiansi. Smooth and smooth, known as 'breathing fabric'. Pure natural fabrics anti -allergies, more practical, both cotton soft, silk luster and hemp smoothness and polyester high strength, very hard and stylish, very hard and stylish , The upper body is fashionable, and the texture is better than all market goods, and you can feel the most top -notch comfort! Then use the super fine cashmere yarn to be knitted, and then through the specially treated dye yarn, this dress is both breathable and warm. The feel is mellow and solid, the texture is delicate, with a wide bones and bones, and the flexibility is excellent. It is not easy to cause deformation and broken problems. Even if there is no upper body, it is enough to imagine how comfortable it is. It is very suitable to wear it alone! front film is equipped with fun numerals with a very brand effect. 1bjsd5 three -dimensional embroidery stickers, showing a sense of brand charm and visual impact, plus a slightly loose silhouette cutting style design, the round neckline design with a wide silhouette shape The version design, the upper body is super specified and stylish. Simple and atmospheric design style, light and elegant and leisure, suitable for various styles of dressing and matching, classic colors can also show different fashion style! At the same time, the overall neat and fine wiring tailoring reflects a natural sense of atmosphere. The overall net version of the style shows the high -level sense of low -key luxury, which is fully in line with the real and high matching of modern people''s dressing and high matching matching. Degree, also has a sense of fashion, is an indispensable item in autumn and winter! color: black/white 174-ysdwz upper body L code size: M-3XL model: EXCSJBSZ74M code: shoulder width SBED.8cm bust 104cm length 64cm sleeve length 56.5cml code CM clothing length 66cm sleeve length 57.5cmxl code: Shoulder width 51.2m bust 112cm long LBEWCM sleeve long Wbez.5cmxxl code: Shoulder width 52.4cm bust 116cm long ljew.5cm sleeve long wjee.5cm3xl code: shoulder width 53.6cm bust yzdsq yzdsq CM clothing length 71cm sleeve long LDEE .5cm
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2024-10-11 20:43
The design of the black water droplet cup not only makes your chest look more three -dimensional, but also comes with the effect of gathering, easily enhance your confidence. Back design, whether it is sexy backless or daily T -shirts, can perfectly show your backline, and the marking design makes your wear more free.
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2024-10-7 12:35
MA8DYBDLYZLDBDA1 2024 spring and summer new MAX home leader embroidered M air cotton solid color T -shirt! Clean and high -level at a glance, I love heavy workers embroidery M line craftsmanship. After repeated review, the customized cotton -mover fabric will be perfectly presented! Stretching, stylish and breathable! Classic round neck design three -dimensional and stylish upper body is very comfortable! The right length is not picked! Tibetan meat is thin and loose, which can be entered into the collar collar with embroidery M -line logo pattern. Simple and generous with easy matching, you can go out of the street, whether it is single or stacked, it is OK! It really belongs to a T -shirt that is both versatile and practical! Wardrobe must -have items (Note this model can only be replaced, not refundable for money) apricot white blue SIZE: s m l xl
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2024-10-6 21:55
MU8DYSDWZZZDQDA1 24 Autumn and Winter New MIU Family Striped Covered T -shirts, Food Silk Embroidered Lobit Elastic Cotton French Thread, Skin -friendly fabric soft and comfortable, classic chest logo embroidery craftsmanship and versatile SIZ: s m l
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2024-10-8 02:27
Graffiti bears, long -sleeved S shoulder width 39 bust 106 clothing length 62m shoulder width 40 bust yydsw, 63l shoulder width 41 bust, 6471.5%Laisle 21.3%cotton wool 7.2%spandex
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2024-10-10 12:54
CH with two long -sleeved T -shirts of Sanskritan embroidery, the latest autumn special commemorative version! Intersection To commemorate the extraordinary year of 2024, the design master Lennard Kamhout has launched a special design model that has changed tremendous changes in the past ~ Light a new chapter for this unforgettable year! This design style combines low -key luxury style such as rock punk and street hip -hop, which adheres to the pure handmade and exquisite design, so it has far exceeded the meaning of clothes as artworks! Item number LGP2SYDYYW10YZBSJ
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2024-10-10 11:17
Because this is a special, milestone work, it is not available publicly, only limited to sales in VIP. The company is fortunate to get channels to get started, and the number is extremely limited! The CH brand anniversary VIP commemorative T -shirt is a dual tribute to quality and fashion. Put on it to make you stand out in the crowd and become an existence that cannot be ignored!
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2024-10-10 11:18
White! limited model! The version is lazy and loose. The small falling shoulder design combines the open and breathable cuffs. Not only is it thin, it just covers the arm and worship the meat. This fake two designs are the core, cleverly fused with T -shirt long -sleeved elements and red blue khaki three -color contrasting packets! Integrate low -key luxury style such as rock punk, street hip hop! The brand''s initial positioning concept is completely on this one, creating a unique fashion model, very eye -catching!
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2024-10-10 11:18
The most beautiful Cro family ~ the perfect combination of quality and style! Close your eyes to rush! The fabric uses 'Malaysia in the cotton' PIMA cotton cotton cotton, high -end counter materials, you know what is high -level when you get it! Imported high cotton fabric, heavy work series! Because the craftsmanship is complex and changeable, the requirements of the fabric are very high. Everyone can compare the ordinary T -shirt fabrics. It is not a thickness at all, not a level of T -shirt fabric! Intersection
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2024-10-10 11:18
Perfect product packaging! The special super -beautiful cloth bag packaging bag is also equipped. It also uses plaid fabrics and embroidered with horseshoe patterns. It complements T -shirts. Whether it is a gift or a collection of self -retained collection, it is particularly precious!
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2024-10-10 11:21
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